Wednesday, February 9, 2011

     Hello Blog-reader, hope you're doing well.

     Despite all the little annoyances that come with keeping the crazy kinda schedule I keep, there are times when it very clearly pays off...sometimes quite literally. Sure I have limited social time and even less time to just relax at home like I used to be able to do 4 out of the 7 days each week, and yes I constantly seem to be at one job or another or trying to cram information pertaining to various areas of law into my brain night after night. True I work 18 hours a week that I dont get paid for and spend 10 hours a week that I do pay for. Of course there are times that I wonder if this is really worth the trouble to do all this at once...

     But of course, dear friends, it is tax season. Time to gather all those confusing sheets of paper and either spend a couple hours (and a few aspirin) trying to do your own taxes or bundle them up and drop them in the lap of an accountant. As I have no clue what 80% of the information on my tax forms are, I belong in that second category and that is where I have been tonight. Lovely little woman named Sharon at Cason Financial Services in New Albany, IN. Took her all my forms (4 W-2's as I forgot I had a couple part-time jobs last year as well as a couple forms pertaining to college tuition) and sat and talked with her and my old roommate Justin for 20 or 30 minutes. After she punched everything in, she very casually informs me that I will be receiving a tax refund of $2254...Wait what??

     I got like $600 last year on my refund. I never DREAMED that I would get anything like this back. Every year since I started having to have my taxes done, I've figured if I can manage to break even and not owe anyone anything, I'm perfectly content with that. I dont know the money is coming so its not like I'm gonna miss it. But 22 hundred dollars?? This is even more exciting for me because I was planning on spending the next several months working 2 jobs to pay off some credit cards so I could enjoy my money when I start my career and maybe look at moving into a nicer apartment. This has given me a huge headstart. I'll be able to pay off 3 credit cards just out of my refund, before I even have a second job (or at least one where I get paid).

    All in all life is good. I haven't paid much attention to what is going on out in the world today because I have been otherwise engaged (crazy day at the office, followed by class, then my tax appointment). But the way I see it, this is my blog so large portions of it are going to be talking about what's going on with me, not the rest of the world lol. Maybe I'll try to do a news-related post between now and my video post Sunday night...


  1. Taxes are a time of year I get ridiculously pissed off in general. It really did not help when I got my severance from Nokia that the government decided that they wanted 60% as opposed to the 30'ish% they normally take. Right now you are more than likely still in that sweet spot where you will get most of what you pay in back. But, its good that you have the unexpected surprise of additional money coming in.
