So as many of you know, my schedule lately has been a little insane. From the looks of things, this isn't going to be changing in the immediate future, so I've decided to start a blog to make it easier for people to keep up with me. Now that I read that, it sounds a little pretentious, but that's not how it is meant to come across. This is just a way for my friends and family that I don't see as often as I would like to keep in touch with me, a way for me to interact with friends beyond the simple Facebook status here and there, and something that I am doing for myself as a little side project to give me a break from work and school. It also will be a way to motivate myself to keep up with current events better, as I"ll be posting on them in here too.
So here is how this will work. I'll post on here periodically during the week about what's going on, thoughts for the day, current events and whatnot. Then on Sundays I'll have a video blog entry where I'll have some of the same things but in addition, any upcoming events, special announcements, and a question for the week. I have the settings on here so that anyone can post comments on any entry I do without having to make a profile themselves so the more feedback the better! Also, if you have an info you wanna share, any groups, causes or events you wanna let people know about, or anything else you want me to share on here, shoot me a message here or on Facebook and I"ll incorporate it into a text entry and/or my video entries.
Looking forward to seeing how this will work out!